With your loving support and generosity,
the children will NOW be fed for a year!!
Thank you all for your hearts…
The white plastered walls of the church are leaning so far inward that it looks as if the church walls might crumble at anytime. The rough-hewn benches serve as pews on Sunday and as a school for orphans during the week. Freddie is responsible for thirty orphaned children. With the help of Dennis, one of the team members who came in November, Freddie has pieced together a school for these young children. I glance to my left and notice a board – not a chalk board – just a board with math problems written on it. 80 – 20 = 60 in any language.
When Freddie first began his theology study, he noticed that some of the children in the village were not going to school. “Why are you not in school?” he asked. “We don’t have any money for school,” was the reply he got over and over again. Freddie told us that he said to the children, “You come. I will give you books. I will give you a pencil. I will give you knowledge.” And that is how this little school in the mountains began.
The children will be fed for a week.
30 orphans / 30 cents a day / $10.00 a week / $2,500 a year
to feed the children.