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Give your friend or loved one a gift with meaning this Christmas – or all year long!

For almost 2 decades, Village Partners International and Palma Ceia Presbyterian Church have supported a Christmas giving program initiated by Bill Wallof, Dean of the Chapel, to “purchase” gifts for others in need in Africa. In 2023,  this important program was expanded to reach the villages we work with in Mombin Crochu, Haiti and San Francisco, Honduras, where medical clinics serve those often unseen in the world today.

You may donate in the name of your friend, family or loved one. VPI will send 100% of your donation (less payment processing fees) to our partner villages, where the items you have selected will be procured and then distributed to those in need.

Village Partners International (VPI) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and your contributions are tax deductible under U.S. tax regulations.


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