Our Work


Uganda – The Robert H. Cooley Pediatric Clinic and Safe House

A clinic that cares for vulnerable children with HIV and malaria, helping to restore health, nutrition and medical care. In late…

Uganda – Medicine for Miracles

A program to ensure vaccinations and public health initiatives are delivered to the rural areas surrounding the village of Papoli. Medicine…

Uganda – Jay and Janice Jester Maternity & Outpatient Clinics

Clinics which provide antenatal and postnatal care, public health education and safe deliveries, as well as outpatient services to adults and…

Haiti – Mombin Crochu Hospital Support

Funding to support medical personnel, purchase medications, food and supplies to treat patients in both an outpatient and in-patient setting. Village…

Haiti – Mobile Clinic

A bi-monthly program where travel to surrounding rural areas bringing medical personnel and medications from Mombin Crochu Hospital to those unable…

Haiti – Clean Water

A program to build and maintain cisterns in the remote mountain villages where there is no other access to clean water.…

Haiti – Malnutrition

An outreach screening program to identify and treat infants and toddlers suffering malnutrition, restoring health and healing. During a public meeting…

Florida – Kindness Matters

A weekly outreach to those who experiencing housing insecurity – supplying food, clothing and supplies as we act as a bridge…

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