Team Members: Dr. Sigsby Gayle, Dr. Ron O’Neal, Dr. Sylvia Campbell, Rev.
John DeBevoise, Jeanne Gres CRNA, Maureen Doyle RN, Karen Muniz RN, Beckie Courtney RN, Terry Deal, Michael Crandall, Jim Cohen, Elizabeth Helfert MPH
Dental Procedures: 200+ extractions, dental procedures
Surgical Procedures: 43 surgical procedures
Medical clinic: 134 patients seen Â
Glasses Clinic: 200+ glasses distributed
Medical lecture: (over 60 people in attendance ): Public Health issues
including and focusing on Parasitic and Worm infection/prevention
Implementation of the
Moringa Project: 2 community meetings
including: instruction/education on the usages, benefits and value of
Moringa as a nutritional supplement, demonstration of the planting
technique of the seeds, instruction on the need for
pruning, etc.
Measuring/weighing and age documentation of 89 children to determine the data on the extent of malnutrition in the community
Initiation of the development of a community board to oversee the project. VPI will supply funds for the implementation and oversight of this project, which will be community led and directed.
Meeting with the Pastors Association
Attendance at 4 Community Church Services
Meeting with the Sacramental Catholic Deacon
Meeting and establishment of a relationship with the NGO Gardu based out of
Meeting with the hospital physicians
Meeting with the hospital administrator and hospital accountant and
Hands on instruction/education of floor nurses
Teaching rounds with the physicians
Evaluation of the Food for Healing ProgramÂ
Documentation and filming of the trip: a documentary for use in the telling of the story of these people will be made for VPI with the information gathered, and will be available for distribution to all interested.
The hospital is calmer and seems to be running very well under the
direction of Dr. Miles and the administration team there. There is
continuity with the physicians, the nurses and the staff. Although the
government still is falling behind on salary payment ( currently 6
months) the staff continues to work to help the people of the community
as best as possible with the resources they have available.
Community public health activities are ongoing, as well as attempts to develop projects to improve the well-being of the entire population.
The hospital is clean and, although greatly in need of repairs, is
functioning well. We found a spirit present of ownership and pride in
what they are accomplishing there, and a commitment to continue if
possible. Resources are limited, and further help and support will be
needed to continue this goal.
The funds have been raised for the new truck, and they are actively
seeking such.
The Food for Healing program continues to provide nutrition and promote
healing for the patients, and is a great success.
Currently work is ongoing to begin a project to grow the Moringa
tree (Benzoliv), based out of the hospital,which, if successful, will
greatly improve the malnutrition found within this area.
This trip was felt to be extremely successful, not only in the number
of patients seen and cared for, but also in the teaching, the initiation
of new projects, and the confirmation that God continues to direct the
efforts of these people as they try and help those in their community
who are sick and suffering.
Further fundraising efforts should be increased as the future of this hospital, and this community, is interwoven with our own.
We are affirmed in our belief that God continues to call us to be part of this journey, and to continue our commitment as the next generation of Haitians begins to move their community forward.