Clean Water

Clean water is the anchor of life. Without it, life cannot exist. There are many parts of the world where the simple fact of having clean water is a luxury, not a right. Health problems and life threatening illness are the result of this fact, and the children, who are the most vulnerable, are at […]


An Elderly Widow is Grateful

Yesterday afternoon into evening, I collected door shutters for houses we are constructing for widows and orphans in Papoli village and took them door to door to sites.


Moringa Tree

Moringa oleifera is a tree, also known as “the miracle tree” for its ability to offer nutritious food, clean water, and medicine. Moringa is easily propagated and it has the ability to thrive under difficult conditions, making it an ideal tree to be grown in both Haiti and Uganda. Given the anecdotal evidence of moringa […]


Food For Life

Hunger and poverty are a way of life in rural Haiti. In the midst of all of the tragedies that have been seen within this country, the basic, overpowering struggle to survive is unending. Can you imagine going to bed each night, waking each morning…feeling the gnawing pain of hunger? Can you imagine looking into […]


Truck for Mombin Crochu

A LIFELINE IS BROKEN Help is needed NOW The village of Mombin Crochu, Haiti suffered the loss of two villagers whose lives could possibly have been saved, had the resources been available. A mother and her child died because there was no transportation to take them over the long rough road to a more advanced […]


Food For Healing

When illness strikes in a country where most people do not get enough to eat or do not eat enough of the right nutrients, even mild malnutrition can greatly influence the course of illness. In Haiti, when a common cold virus infects a child who is poorly nourished, that child often lacks adequate immune response […]


Covenant Hospital

      Village Partners International was created as a way for people to help people help themselves. As such, it is an effort that is worldwide, and is inclusive of all those in need. Recently VPI has established a relationship with Covenant Hospital Network, a group of individuals and churches committed to helping those […]


Heart Surgery for Fahad Bukenya

Fahad Bukenya was born May 27, 2007 in the country of Uganda. His was a normal delivery, and he began life as a normal child. But something was wrong. As time passed he did not thrive, he did not gain weight. He had no energy and just breathing became an effort. In December he was […]


Heart Surgery for Martha Kawala

I have never been to Africa. I have vague pictures in my mind of green forests covered in flowers, shaded by giant trees, and shrouded in mystery. Words and images from books, stories, and the ever-present world of movies and television have given me a vision of a place of beauty and excitement, tragedy and […]


Porridge for Papoli

Imagine what it is like to be hungry. Imagine what it is like to feel the gnawing pain that is deep inside you, a hunger that never leaves. It is hard to believe that children in this world where so much abundance exits, must go hungry. But the reality is that this is life in […]

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