Community Health Center of Papoli, Phase II
People in the village of Papoli, and surrounding areas, have nowhere to turn when they are sick or injured.
The closest facility is in the city of Tororo, where the hospital exists, and this can be impossible to reach in an emergency. For this reason, the concept of building a medical complex in this area, to serve these people with such great need, was brought forward.
Initially, an outpatient clinic will be constructed to care for emergent needs. These patients can then be stabilized, and if indicated, transfer can then occur to a more complete facility. The facility will also allow for prenatal and maternal care, and help women with unborn babies who are at such high risk in this area.
The facility will emphasize cleanliness and good repair, and serve as a model for future facilities.
Included in the building will be a laboratory, pharmacy outpatient clinic area, treatment rooms, examination rooms, medical records storage, billing, a modern resources center, a store, and a labor and delivery room for emergent deliveries. An ambulance will also be included for transport as needed.
It is the plan of the community to develop the resouce center and store to generate income to help sustain the facility.

As of October 13th, with your help and support, we are now able to build the Outpatient Clinic, Phase II of the Papoli Health Center in Papoli, Uganda!
This structure will house an outpatient clinic to include care of children and adults and their emergent needs, as well as diagnostic care. A facility of this capacity will eliminate preventable illnesses from turning into life-threatening conditions.
VPI is deeply grateful for all those who contributed to this life saving project.