Papoli primary school has adapted new school uniform, being white shirt/blouse and grey shorts/ skirts. Decision was arrived at in December, 2008 at the end of year parents general general. The parents in their deliberations noted that it was high time for the school to further improve upon corporate image of the school by changing school uniform, encouraging use of shoes in school and thus building confidence in the pupils. The head teacher Mr. Erazafani Okoth said that in his over 20 years experience in teaching across a number of schools, change to better school uniform not only build confidence in students, but also brought about improved academic standards. Mr Yoga a retired head teacher and Chairman of the school management committee concurred with the head teachers view and hoped that the parents will strive to provide the uniform for their children.
The new uniform, including shoes cost UGX: 25,000/=~~~US$13.00.
— Charles Opendi, Volunteer PACODEF