Uganda – Medicine for Miracles

A program to ensure vaccinations and public health initiatives are delivered to the rural areas surrounding the village of Papoli.

Medicine for Miracles was created as a pilot program in 2016 to bridge the gap between the poorest community members in Papoli, Uganda and the Robert H. Cooley Pediatric Clinic’s inability to distribute medicines free of charge to those in dire need.  The goal was to provide worming for malnourished children and malaria medications for children and elderly in the village who have no resources and are not able to pay even a minimal charge.  By providing much needed malaria medication for free, this program was implemented to save the lives of the most vulnerable members of the community: the children and elderly.  It was also created to provide a means for children to remain healthy and stay in school, which is vital toward changing the future for these youths.

The impact on this program on changing lives for the children and widows in this community is evident. Your support will allow these, the most vulnerable in the community, to receive life saving treatment.

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