Spring Rebirth

Spring is a time of renewal, of rebirth. It is a time when we let go of what has been, to make room for what will be. As flowers open to allow their colors to fill this time, we step back in wonder and awe  at the beauty this earth contains. For that which was once lost is restored, and new life bursts forth.

We are so grateful for the new life your donations have allowed to continue with the work done in Haiti, Uganda, and on the streets of Tampa. This spring, our fundraiser celebrates new life with handmade gardens, including the mini-terrariums that hang or can be placed on your window sill, and the larger ones filled with either succulents or various plantings. Each is different and unique.

A donation of $25 we will give you a hanging garden, for $40 you will receive 2. The larger gardens are given for a $35 donation, or 2 for $60. As you watch your gardens grow, remember the life that you have given to others with your gifts. Thank you.

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