As we enter July, and summer is upon us, I think of all this time means. It is a time of memories of childhood, of lazy days filled with laughter, sunshine, and rain. It is a time where the rigid boundaries of the rest of the year relax somewhat, allowing one time to breathe, to sit quietly, to ponder the dragonfly as it moves across the grass, or the flowers as they shout for joy at the warmth of the days.
But for many in this world, the memories may not be filled with joy.
For many in this world, each day is a burden, filled with uncertainty and pain.
This reality is brought home if we are open to see.
As we pass through life, we are given opportunities, moments where we can perhaps, for one instant, make a difference to another we pass on the road. This is our purpose at Village Partners International. For we believe that each life touched adds light to the world, bringing hope as those often forgotten are seen, and gifts beyond measure are given to those who reach out to help.
Thank you for partnering with us on this journey, for caring, and sharing, as we walk through this thing called life. For what else truly matters, but to love one another.