Our Stories

Read more about the community we are building.

VPI Launches a Nutrition Program in Rural Haiti

For nearly twenty five years, Village Partners International has been working to improve the lives of villagers in…

Fish, Loaves, and Pennies

For close to a decade, pennies have been blessed and turn into thousands of dollars that roughly provide…

Thank You to Larry and Claudette Lansrud

The Mombin Crochu Clinic has been sponsored and supported across June 2018 by the generosity of our friends…

Haiti Mission Trip 3/2/18-3/9/18

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with your soul and with all your strength,…

Lent and Love

I do not know how often Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the Holy time of the Lenten journey,…

Water for Wellness

Bringing Clean Water to Rural Haiti In the rural mountains beyond the village of Mombin Crochu, Haiti, the…

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